We are still here! <3

Hey Everyone! WOW, I know it has been a while since our last post, about a month I think…. all I can say is WOAH!! For us, this moment of now has been about retreating into some major DOing.  If you have stayed tuned in to American Kabuki, Removing The Shackles and the OPPT Blogtalk radio shows, then you know the crew is in Morocco. Claudia (mom), Pam (aunt) and I may be meeting them at some point. We are at a tipping point for sure. We will fill you in at the perfect moment of now of everything that has been going on. D and AK will be recording what they are DOing in Morocco to update everyone. Right when it was time for us to get into the intensity of our DOing, my computer started to not work. Perfect actually, It helped me go inward. Lets just say it has been a crash course in dissolving limits! I feel I am at the point of peeking my head out of my space of hibernation, but not quite ready to come out yet… a day or two feels good… to allow things to balance. There is much more to DO, but we are about to enter a new phase of the DOing. Get ready. LOVE LOVE LOVE. ABSENT LIMITS. For my first day of peeking my head out, I want to share with you a post from my Beautiful Musical Goddess friend Eileen… The Songs that I AM.  Enjoy!  love you. ❤

❤ Jenna


I was listening to music the other day in the car and a few of my songs came on that were from years ago. I usually skip them because I have heard them so many times and I am so used to the ego coming in and creating fear around them.  I have been DOing so much with releasing the fear based ego system, releasing all limits. Ive been Nurturing the ego saying “thank you for trying to protect me but that is not needed, there is nothing to protect me from,I BE Eternal Essence, I love you, you are Eternal Essence, we are one,  you may release this role and identity of ego end BE Eternal Essence.” Everyday we talk and the ego has started to observe and watch how I BE and DO as Eternal Essence, as an Eternal Heart. She has calmed down and allows things to move out. When she grips I say, ” I will not pay energy into that, i love you.” So when my old songs came on the other day, I spoke to the “ego” (ive been calling my ego “love”, soon she will have no name but Eternal Essence) I said to her, “we can do this, we can listen to these songs without gripping, without fear, without judgement, without doubt, and be in the music.. lets just have fun!”

I sang and listened to them with new ears..Like I was listening to them for the first time. It almost felt like it wasn’t me I was listening to, I stepped outside and observed each song allowing myself to dissolve all limits that could create negativity. I allowed myself to release the old vibrational relationship with them, release the fear based ego system and listen from my Eternal Heart. They are so beautiful! I turned them up sang loudly, danced…I had a blast! It was so fun! I even listened to a couple over and over again! Every phase of writing has been different. When I look back and listen I can hear what I was learning at that time, I can feel my heart and see the beauty in each moment of each song. It was so profound to see my Eternal Heart in my music from a moment of now where I still had so much waking up to do. So much has changed, I have grown and expanded but I still feel a vibration of love and joy when I listen to them. I love all of my creations and have enjoyed the process of awakening to who I am as ABSOLUTE MUSIC…. and so it continues. I am Eternal Essence, Absent Limits…that is what I already BE. I do not need to try to be that. I AM, It IS. All there is to DO is release and let go of the limits from this Fear based system, cleanse them away, continually BEing in my Eternal Heart and BE. As I release I can feel and see the limits that have been holding me back from shining. I can see the limits from all different areas and levels from this contrast experience dissolving away and I shine a little more, a little more, a little more….  SO watch out, because here I come!! 🙂  I invite you to listen to this demo of mine “Pull Through” … turn up the volume and be in joy! 😉 I Love you guys! http://jennalavoie.bandcamp.com/   (there are more songs to listen to on the right side of the page under “discography”) ❤

Jenna, Eternal Essence Embodied, Absolute Sound. 😉







re-blogged from American Kabuki

Note: The UV IXCHANGE at its very core is designed to safeguard your value and data and give you control of it all.  Any use you decide to share your data, requires an accommodation agreement with those you share it, so they legally cannot “OWN” your data or being without bearing the consequences of doing so.  This inverts the pyramid of control that has existed on this planet for eons.  
Caleb’s Project XIII will have features that enable the use of this value in a format similar to Facebook without the pervasive invasion of privacy, contacts, network,  personal data, browsing habits, political and/or religious beliefs, and personal photos now found on Facebook.  Project XIII is but one tool of many that will emerge over time.  It combines features of the UCC, Facebook, and your personal Universal Value exchange.  -AK

Huffington Post: Citizen Hearing on Disclosure full coverage!!!!!!!- Removing The Shackles

Re-blogged from Removing The Shackles

Monday, 29 April 2013

Huffington Post: Citizen Hearing on Disclosure full coverage!!!!!!!

They are doing a live blog hourly update!!!!

Citizen Hearing On Disclosure: UFO Believers To Testify At Congressional-Style Hearings (LIVE UPDATES)

Posted: 04/29/2013 6:58 am EDT  |  Updated: 04/29/2013 6:13 pm EDT

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Is the federal government honest about what it knows about UFOs? Are officials suppressing the truth about extraterrestrial visitations?
The federal hearings UFO researchers have been demanding have not yet materialized. But some of the testimony that would be posed at those proceedings will be posed this week to former members of Congress.
At the National Press Club in Washington, D.C., a Citizen Hearing On Disclosure(CHD) will unfold between April 29 to May 3. For 30 hours, 40 internationalresearchers and military/agency witnesses will testify in front of these committee members:
Watch some of the CHD witnesses here.
“I don’t think ET is the best word for it. I think it’s more unidentifiable foreign substances or vehicles in the air — it’s unidentified,” Gravel told HuffPost. “I don’t know if it’s little green men or purple men or if it’s any men. All I know is that, worldwide, there’s thousands and thousands of sightings. Some of them may be hallucinatory, but under close examination, there are real sightings. There’s something that we don’t know of.”
Gravel, a former Special Agent in the Counter Intelligence Corps, who once insisted from the floor of the Senate that his constituents had a right to know the truth behind the Vietnam War, feels the same way about the public knowing the facts about UFOs.
“Having been opposed and fighting, all of my public career, the military industrial complex and the fact that we have excessive secrecy, just does a disservice to the people when you have the military that feels this stuff has got to be secret and they won’t open their files.”
One of Gravel’s CHD committee colleagues, Kilpatrick, told HuffPost she doesn’t like the fact that “this country makes jokes about (UFOs), but in other countries, it’s a spiritual kind of thing, so I’m really looking forward to seeing exactly what it is.
“As a member of the Appropriations Committee and Armed Service Committee and serving on the Air Force Academy Board, I always had an interest [in UFOs]. I think if there’s something there that we need to discuss, then we ought to be part of that discussion.
“I want to hear the factual information and I’m taking it very seriously. I don’t want to be ambivalent. I don’t want it to be a joke. It’s too serious. If we bury our heads in the sand and say there’s nothing there, we lose, our country loses. I want to hear the expert testimony and be convinced that something’s there. I’m willing to take it where it leads, and if it’ll help our country and the people of America be better world citizens, and if my appropriations experience can help, I’m willing to do that.”
Both Gravel and Kilpatrick say they think it’s time for a real congressional investigation into UFOs and the possibility that Earth is being visited by someone from very far away. They’d also like to see this issue brought up again at the United Nations.
“I can say that we don’t have to wait for the hearings to do that,” said Gravel. “Whether or not Congress wants to do it, I think that it’s global in nature and I would like to divorce it from the Congress of the U.S. I think that there should be a part of the U.N. devoted to this. I would sign a document like that right now.”

American Kabuki : Nothing Fits

Nothing Fits
By American Kabuki

Its a strange age.

Growth comes unexpectedly.  Suddenly.  Go to bed and suddenly your 6 inches longer in the morning.

What was once familiar, even cherished, has holes, and is uncomfortable to wear.  My limbs feel exposed and everything seems too small for my being.

Old patterns vanish.  Both the ones I thought were important, and the ones that I never wanted but were very hard to break free from. The rate at which this happened is astonishing.  They simply hold no resonance for me.

The future called me, or was it the ever present NOW?  “Do you want to have some fun?”  I replied, “YES!” Sometimes  fun is a rocket sled into the future.  I had plans. Strategies. But it all came so fast that planning in serial time was pointless.  And I all could do was be of service to Eternal Essence, and in doing that, I found ME.

In my closet hides a bookcase.  There are books on computers, algorithms, logic, and patterns of object oriented software design. They gather dust.  Religious and philosophy books smell moldy from 12 years in the moist beach air. Haven’t looked at the Quran in 10 years. The book on Buddha I got from a Honolulu hotel dresser drawer, looks nearly new.  My expensive Oxford wide margin rice paper Bible seems like an artifact from someone’s else’s life, especially the margin notes from college written with a Koh-i-noor india ink pen in such tiny letters.  I should have written those in pencil, so they could be removed.  Other’s peoples bread crumbs of what they wanted me to see and what they wanted me to avoid within the texts.  Took me a while to learn that text without context is pretext.

It was all “Secret knowledge” and I was “converted” and they were “unconverted”.   It was no knowledge at all but an opinion in  a place and time meant to keep me separate from humanity at large.  Spiritual quarantine.  A cast iron manhole cover snugly fitted over the dogma buried deep in my being and cast with letters “Christian” so all would know from which source the steam of being emerged emerged beneath their feet.  But it was me that chose to hide below humanity, to “not be of this world” so I sought refuge underground.  I used to polish those words, make sure they never got rusty.   Other’s had more specific labels on their manhole covers, Catholic, Baptist, Mormon, Jew, Hindu, Muslim, Buddhist, Atheist.

I choose the word HUMAN now, absent limits.  I will no longer be a bonsai tree of the larger me that wants to grow and reach Heaven with my hands and feel the core of Gaia with my feet.  My roots will not be pruned and my limbs will no longer be contorted to fit another’s idea of beauty. I AM wonderfully made.

There is no “ONLY HUMAN” or “JUST HUMAN”.  We are all wonderfully made with the full repertoire of emotions from which Creation springs.  We are joyfully and wonderfully Human.  An awakening human as Eternal Essence Embodied.  Its spring time!  Grow baby Grow!

Healing Energy Streams Flow from Portal to Portal…


gaia_energy1Healing energy streams flow from portal to portal as Gaia balances with Hue-manity and humanity (smaller h) energies.

Light Workers called to portal adjustments are encouraged to follow healing energy flow within, as this aligns with the Gaia Healing energy streams, and will lead each to their Gaia healing portal center.

As Hue-manity aligns, and more and more of humanity (smaller h) begins to align, with these healing energy streams, and accepts those processes within themselves, Gaia rests in the resulting peace, and needs not the “catastrophic” adjustments previously thought necessary.

Those promoting the “doom and/or gloom catastrophe” scenarios will find difficulty in expressing those ideas, as their time is over. The current energetic state of Gaia does not support, in any way, that type of energy intent.

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